Saturday 1st of February 2025


=  To start production of Hygienic, Vegetarian, Organic and Halal food that encourages        producers.

=  Issue certification of fresh, disinfected, hygienic & organic after quality trails with  international norms with food quality.

=  As per origin & producing technique adopted by producer the vegetarian certification will take place    within the principle of balance diet, In addition the international food certification with Islamic Sariha Law   wil be followed for Halal Certification.

=   To create awareness for the consumption of Hygienic, Vegetarian, Organic and Halal food in the national/international market fascinate with distribution and enforcement with such behavior.

=   Conduct training/awareness program to the farmers for Commercial quality food        production that will furnish for enhancement of capacity building with export within  the quality competitiveness.

=  Agro tourism is initiated to nudge tourism, which are additional creative activities.

Check certificate expiry dateONLINE APPLICATION FROM

Quality News

Human Development & affirmative attitude is outcome of pure food, so think a twice before the consumption of food. Invest your hard earn money to such hi-quality hygienic food that act as a medicine in daily life. The certification published to protect right for pure food & balance diet. It is based on basic religious standards of food safety. .......

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